About Me
I’m fmariluis, a software developer and political scientist from Buenos Aires. This blog is made with Hugo and hosted on Vercel.
This is the software (and hardware) I use regularly. I try new software all the time, but these are the daily drivers. I keep this list somewhat updated.
- Most things Apple: iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, MacBook Pro 16. Things just work.
Operating Systems
- Mac OS X Big Sur
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (server)
Desktop software
- Google Chrome: reluctantly adopted it as my main browser, Meet and other Googly works best here, and I was tired of jumping between Chrome and Safari.
- Vim
- VSCode for some things
- Telegram Desktop
- Slack
- QGIS: Sometimes I need to do some GIS related stuff
Paid desktop software
I put these on a special category because some things are definitely worth it
- PyCharm
- DataGrip
- Monodraw
- Diagrams for Mac
- Dash (documentation browser)
- 1Password
- Fantastical
- Alfred
- Things
- Bear: Beautiful note taking app
iOS specific
- Safari: Works great
- Blink: mosh terminal for iOS. Absolutely essential for developing on the iPad using a VPS.
- di: provides disk usage information, like
df -h
- ncdu: detailed disk usage information, a curses interface for
- fdfind: a better
- ripgrep: a better
- exa: a better
- vim: the text editor. I use Neovim.
- htop: a better
- tmux: a terminal multiplexer
- tmuxp: a manager for tmux sessions
- git-diff-image: an extension to ‘git diff’ that provides support for diffing images
- jpegoptim: a jpeg optimizer
- stow: for dotfiles management. As shown here.
Network related utilities
- Wireguard
- nmap: network exploration tool
- curl
- whois
- httpie: a kinder curl
Development / Devops
- Python 3
- Node.js / npm
- Clojure / Leiningen
- git
- docker
- docker-compose
- Ansible
- Terraform
- devd: a local webserver for developers